Now I will analyze a film is pretty phenomenal movie "KETIKA CINTA BERTASBIH"
ABDULLAH Khairul Azzam (CHOLIDI ASADIL ALAM) young handsome smart 28-year-old from
a village in Central Java. From small, Azzam was seen as the son of a very good
mind and character. For his efforts he was persistent managed to obtain a
scholarship to study at Al - Azhar, Egypt after completing Aliyah in her
New year in Cairo and a
title-winning student achievement jayyid Jiddan (pass perfectly), her father
died. As the eldest son Azzam would not want to be responsible for the lives of
his family, because his brother is still small. Meanwhile, he himself had to
finish his studies at the State people. Eventually he began to devote time to
study and earn a living. He began making tempeh and meatballs which he marketed
in the embassy in Cairo. Thanks to the skill and tenacity in cooking, Azzam
became popular and close to the Embassy staff in Cairo. But it's impact on
college Azzam, was 9 years passed, he had not yet completed his studies.
Often Azzam get a job at the Embassy in Cairo to bring it to the ambassador's
daughter, ELIANA
PRAMESTHI (ALICE Norin). Eliana is a graduate of the French EHESS his resume S2 at the
American University in Cairo. In addition to intelligent, Eliana is also famous
among students for her beauty. He even once asked to play at one of Hollywood
film production, as well as for feature films and soap operas in Jakarta.
Myriad accomplishments and beauty Eliana, make Azzam put his heart on Eliana.
But Azzam failed to establish closer ties with Eliana, because in addition to
nature and life a little contrary to Azzam, as well as the advice of Mr. Ali,
Embassy driver is very close to the family Eliana.
What people are saying Mr Ali
enough ringing in his mind, that there is a girl who is more suited to Azzam.
Azzam is not advisable to rush Why khitbah (propose) a pretty college student
that is not less intelligent with Eliana. He named ANNA Althafunnisa
(OIC SETIANA DEWI), S1 from Kuliyyatun Banaat in Alexandria and was taking S2 in
Kuliyyatul Banaat Al Azhar, Cairo, who also mastered English, Arabic and
Mandarin. According to Mr. Ali, Anna excess of Eliana is that wearing the veil
and sholehah Anna, her father a kiai named Kiai Lutfi Hakim.
There is a
desire to Khaerul Azzam Why Anna khitbah though he had never met or seen Anna.
Because it does not have the funds to return to Indonesia, Mr Ali suggested
that applying through his uncle who was in Cairo, namely Ustadz Mujab, where
the cleric Azzam was already very familiar with. With full intention he had
come to the chaplain Mujab In order to khitbah Anna Althafunnisa. But it turns
out the application was rejected on the basis of status. Since S1 Azzam is not
well done, and better known as an temped selling meatballs. In addition, Anna
has dikhitbah first by a man who instead are Furqan (ANDI ARSYIL RAHMAN), Azzam friend who is also
a student from a wealthy family who is also intelligent which
will soon finish his S2. Azzam could accept that reason, even though his heart
is quite sore.

What people are saying Mr Ali enough ringing in his mind, that there is a girl who is more suited to Azzam. Azzam is not advisable to rush Why khitbah (propose) a pretty college student that is not less intelligent with Eliana. He named ANNA Althafunnisa (OIC SETIANA DEWI), S1 from Kuliyyatun Banaat in Alexandria and was taking S2 in Kuliyyatul Banaat Al Azhar, Cairo, who also mastered English, Arabic and Mandarin. According to Mr. Ali, Anna excess of Eliana is that wearing the veil and sholehah Anna, her father a kiai named Kiai Lutfi Hakim.
There is a desire to Khaerul Azzam Why Anna khitbah though he had never met or seen Anna. Because it does not have the funds to return to Indonesia, Mr Ali suggested that applying through his uncle who was in Cairo, namely Ustadz Mujab, where the cleric Azzam was already very familiar with. With full intention he had come to the chaplain Mujab In order to khitbah Anna Althafunnisa. But it turns out the application was rejected on the basis of status. Since S1 Azzam is not well done, and better known as an temped selling meatballs. In addition, Anna has dikhitbah first by a man who instead are Furqan (ANDI ARSYIL RAHMAN), Azzam friend who is also a student from a wealthy family who is also intelligent which will soon finish his S2. Azzam could accept that reason, even though his heart is quite sore.

This is the second film
adaptation of the novel by Habiburrahman El-Shirazy after Hanung Bramantyo Love
Verses gush into the big screen. Although the theme is equally about love and
the atmosphere in the dressing in Islamic religion, When Love (KCB) has some
differences compared to its predecessor. Second, the big names involved in the
making of this film. Chaerul Umam, senior director ever get the image of the
trophy in 1992 for the film Ramadhan and Ramona, KCB chosen to work with
veteran screenwriter Imam Tantowi. There are also a series of well-known actors
and actresses that come into play in this film. Call it Didi Petet, Deddy
Mizwar, Slamet Rahardjo, even a cameo appearance from the chairman of
Muhammadiyah, Din Syamsudin.
Third, almost all the major exhibition of the film in the can from casting
roadshow held in nine cities in Indonesia. As much as possible, which was
selected to portray each character in KCB is the personality and physical
characteristics in accordance with the character. At least in the eyes of the
jury consisting of Didi Petet, Neno Warisman, Deddy Mizwar, and the author of
the novel itself Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Acting Oki Setiana Goddess, from
Batam girl who played Anna, worthy acungi thumb. Appear natural and not
contrived, veiled girl did not look like a newcomer actress. The same thing
happened to Kholidi Natural Asadi, who plays Azzam, who became a central protagonist
in the story KCB. Though sometimes it still looks stiff but has the potential
to become a professional actor.
What I love about this film that contains about Azzam's life and love story that does not apply not only to enlighten the soul, but invites the audience to further explore the secrets of the divine and interpret love. The presence of Anna (Oki Setiana Dewi), a woman of Islamic tempting Azzam become a binding element both in a mystery that seemed culminate . packed love with the sweet in a very different perspective of the romantic drama films in general. Role sister Husna (meyda Sefira) and Furqan (Andi Arsyil) college friend who is also from Indonesia and AIDS infected summarizes Azzam's life into a story that is very valuable. The depiction of the setting is so beautiful and awesome is a plus of this film, which is not found in the movie industry in recent decades. At another level, if seen from the side of sharia, these films really are very guard. Some scenes were feared could undermine the message that even this movie when such scenes two people who obviously is not mahram to be on the same scene, such as when Azzam was first reunited with her sister Husna, if embraced by their novel sound, but it is not appear so, not even touching any hand. Subhanallah, it's an added value beyond measure. And it was not proven at all.
Fim is supported by a dozen senior veteran artist on board, such as Deddy
Mizwar, Didi Petet, Slamet Rahadjo, Ninik L Karim, Nungki Kusumastuti, even
poets Taufik Ismail appeared as a cameo. Illustration of music and soundtrack
handled by Joey Ayala and Anto Hoed. Not to forget Krisdayanti have appeared as
one of the KCB soundtrack album filler, the whole background of the novel is
turned on by the image of the actual location in Cairo, Egypt, around the city
of Cairo and Alexandria, Cairo International Airport, the Nile, the Pyramids of
Giza, and even the University of Al - Azhar has not allowed foreign films
shooting in that location.
Sinemart as Production House that the film was finally presented it to the audience.
The film as a whole there is no iota of which deviated from the storyline in
the novel. Even if we had read the novel before, we would not have been
difficult to guess what will happen in the next scene of the movie when
watching a visual masterpiece.
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